Refund Policy

Return & Replacement Policy for Domestic Orders

The Products purchased from ‘KESHAMRUT’ registered as ‘RAJKAR AROGYADHAM HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED’ are subject to return and replacement or exchange as per the Return & Refund Policy within the applicable return or replacement period if you’ve received them in a condition that is physically damaged or different from their description on the product detail. Return or replacement will be processed if you write to us within 48 business hours of receiving the product and only if the following conditions are met:

1.1 It is agreed that the product is damaged while in transit or during the delivery process.

1.2 The product received by you is evidentially different from what had been confirmed by you while placing the order;

1.3 The product is returned in its original condition (with brand’s/manufacturer’s box, original sales receipt, and all the accessories therein).

In the event that any of the above conditions are fulfilled, we will replace your ordered products or initiate a refund, provided that you agree to the following:

1.4 You agree to raise your request at or raise request at return and replace and enter your Order Number & Email ID/ Mobile Number highlighting the following:

1.4.1 Clear images and videos of the damaged products, leakage or spillage if any, mono-carton and outer packaging images. Please note that the video must clearly showcase the unboxing of the package in order to evidence the damaged products, leakage or spillage.

1.4.2 In the event of any product missing in the package or a wrong product being delivered or issue with the weight of the product, you agree to share with us clear images and video clippings taken while unboxing the package and of the open package along with the products received for our understanding and confirmation.

1.4.3 Once, the aforementioned details are received, you agree to provide us at least 5 business days time to look into your complaint and revert back to you with a resolution. If on the basis of the evidence shared by you, we determine to approve your order return//exchange request, you will be duly informed of the same in writing and a reverse pick up of the product will be arranged from our end.

1.4.4 All ordered products which have been approved to be exchanged from our end will need to be returned in the same condition and packaging as it was received and handed over to our pick up Logistic Service Provider. Notwithstanding the above, this shall not apply in an instance where there has been visible damage or breakage caused to the product containers during the transit and the same shall be replaced by us without any cost. Provided that, you agree to share the images and videos of the damaged products while unboxing for our record and confirmation for replacement.

1.4.5 Once the return package is received by our warehouse team, we will conduct a quality check of the product and also validate the product weight. The exchange or replacement of the order will be processed within 48-72 business hours once the quality and weight check is completed and you will be provided with the new consignment tracking details vide an Email on your registered Email Id.

1.5 Note:

Do note that any exchange or replacement refund request with respect to our Gifting collection will not be applicable for exchange or return unless the said Gift Boxes have been physically damaged at the time of delivery and necessary evidences in terms of images and videos have been furnished within 24 business hours of receipt of such damaged Gift Boxes.

Refund Policy for Domestic Orders

2.1 In the instance of product refund being approved, the ordered products will be picked up from you by our pick up Logistic Service Provider. Once the same is received by our warehouse team, a quality and weight check of the product will be conducted and basis the approval received, refund will be initiated within 48-72 business hours of the return. The refund amount once processed will reflect in your account within 10-15 business days.

2.2 Any payment made by you vide Cash on Delivery mode shall be refunded once you share your Bank Account/UPI details with us from your registered Email ID. The refund amount once processed, will reflect in your account within 10-15 business days. Provided that apart from the said mode of refund, no other form of refund will be encouraged or accepted.

Refund Policy for International Orders

Refund for international orders will be processed if you raise a request at and enter your Order Number & Email ID/ Mobile Number and only if the following conditions are met:

3.1 The product received is damaged while in transit or during the delivery process. In such an event, you agree to share with us clear images and videos of the damaged products, leakage or spillage if any, mono-carton and outer packaging images. Please note that the video must clearly showcase the unboxing of the package in order to evidence the damaged products, leakage or spillage.

3.2 The product received by you is evidentially different from what was confirmed by you while placing the order.

3.3 In the event of any product missing in the package or a wrong product being delivered or issue with the weight of the product, you agree to share with us clear images and video clippings taken while unboxing the package and of the open package along with the products received for our understanding and confirmation.

3.4 Once, the aforementioned details are received, you agree to provide us at least 5 business days time to look into your complaint and revert back to you with our confirmation either on refund or compensation in the form of a special ‘discount coupon’ based on case to case basis. If on the basis of the evidence shared by you, we determine to approve your refund or compensation in the form of a special ‘discount coupon’ based on case to case basis, the same will be initiated within 48-72 business hours and the compensation as mentioned above will be processed within 5-7 business days and you shall be duly notified of the same on your registered Email ID.

3.5 Note:

Any refund request with respect to our Gifting collection will not be applicable unless the said Gift Boxes have been physically damaged at the time of delivery and necessary evidence in terms of images and videos have been furnished within 24 business hours of receipt of such damaged Gift Boxes.

Please note that any request for replacement, exchange or refund the above shall not apply under the following conditions:

4.1 Any request for replacement, exchange, return or refund of order due to any individual allergy or skin reactions is not applicable as the products are lab tested and certified Ayurvedic products.

4.2 Replacement or Exchange of product due to reasons including personal dislike for the product; dislike of the fragrance; dislike of color, consistency or texture, or any personalised opinion about the product cannot be approved for return or exchange or refund.